Thursday, February 24, 2011

Final Reflection

Step 1:
In reflection of my personal GAME plan, I believe that the process of creating goals, following through with actions, monitoring those actions, and evaluating the outcomes has been very beneficial for my early success. Many of my GAME plan goals have been set in motion but through the process that Dr. Cennamo described early in this classroom I have had to redirect my actions within a few goals in order to accomplish those goals. Taking the appropriate steps to accomplish these goals within my GAME plan has actually caused an increase in motivation within myself and also my students. Student success rate has already seemed to slightly increase and also the interaction with my colleagues has done the same.

Step 2:
Along with the planning and reflection of my GAME plan, I have been fortunate that I have also gained knowledge that can be applied directly to my current teaching position. The actual strategy of the GAME plan will be applied to my special education students and their personal IEP goals. This strategy will be a great way to reflect and evaluate their present goals and levels of interaction with those goals. Also, I the course interaction with blogging and digital storytelling will be another approach that I hope to implement into my classroom. With the technology that my district offers and that I have in my classroom, I believe both of these will be easily integrated and provide initiative to student involvement.

Step 3:
In regards to this course, there are many items that I have taken away to improve the atmosphere and success of my special education students. The idea of problem based learning has intrigued me so much that I have begun the implementation of preparing my students and myself with the basic change in structure. I am slowly becoming the "guide on the side". I am reinforcing to myself that the gains in student motivation, learning, and collaboration will out weigh the issues such as; a messy, noisy room, grouping problems, and assessing changes. Using technological implements like my classroom blog, moodle, skypee, etc... will allow me to get reflection and also allow the students to engage with experts outside of the content area. Besides these changes in the learning strategies in my classroom, I have already encouraged "thinking outside the box" to my students more than ever. Technology tools, like virtual field trips, have caused my students to truly engage themselves and push their own expectations. I hope with these new strategies that I can create an innovative, creative, and confident learner.

Overall, I have been very pleased with the knowledge I have obtained through this class. My goal is that I continue to challenge myself and my students with the guide of my GAME plan.

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