Sunday, March 27, 2011

Learning Management Systems

Please view the below link to listen to my learning management systems presentation developed through VoiceThread.

You may have to copy and paste the URL, as I was having some trouble with my service today. Sorry.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Final Reflection

Step 1:
In reflection of my personal GAME plan, I believe that the process of creating goals, following through with actions, monitoring those actions, and evaluating the outcomes has been very beneficial for my early success. Many of my GAME plan goals have been set in motion but through the process that Dr. Cennamo described early in this classroom I have had to redirect my actions within a few goals in order to accomplish those goals. Taking the appropriate steps to accomplish these goals within my GAME plan has actually caused an increase in motivation within myself and also my students. Student success rate has already seemed to slightly increase and also the interaction with my colleagues has done the same.

Step 2:
Along with the planning and reflection of my GAME plan, I have been fortunate that I have also gained knowledge that can be applied directly to my current teaching position. The actual strategy of the GAME plan will be applied to my special education students and their personal IEP goals. This strategy will be a great way to reflect and evaluate their present goals and levels of interaction with those goals. Also, I the course interaction with blogging and digital storytelling will be another approach that I hope to implement into my classroom. With the technology that my district offers and that I have in my classroom, I believe both of these will be easily integrated and provide initiative to student involvement.

Step 3:
In regards to this course, there are many items that I have taken away to improve the atmosphere and success of my special education students. The idea of problem based learning has intrigued me so much that I have begun the implementation of preparing my students and myself with the basic change in structure. I am slowly becoming the "guide on the side". I am reinforcing to myself that the gains in student motivation, learning, and collaboration will out weigh the issues such as; a messy, noisy room, grouping problems, and assessing changes. Using technological implements like my classroom blog, moodle, skypee, etc... will allow me to get reflection and also allow the students to engage with experts outside of the content area. Besides these changes in the learning strategies in my classroom, I have already encouraged "thinking outside the box" to my students more than ever. Technology tools, like virtual field trips, have caused my students to truly engage themselves and push their own expectations. I hope with these new strategies that I can create an innovative, creative, and confident learner.

Overall, I have been very pleased with the knowledge I have obtained through this class. My goal is that I continue to challenge myself and my students with the guide of my GAME plan.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Using the GAME Plan Process with Students

After viewing the The NETS-T and the NETS-S present standards, it seems that they align perfectly with one another. For example standard 1(Creativity and Innovation) of the NETS-S directly aligns with the NETS-T standard 1 (Inspiring Student Learning and Creativity) by focusing on the continuous drive to instill and promote creativity in student learning and production. This comes as no surprise, realizing that the standards align, because having goals that go in opposite directions goes against the rules of developing a strong GAME plan. Now how does these standards set forth by the NETS-S coincide with the goals in my personal GAME plan?
Well I was pleasantly relieved to realize that my goals mainly focused on improving student efficiency in many of the NETS-S areas. The biggest way that I see myself assuring that my students are continually improving their integration of technological skills and raising their expectations, is that I am using many approaches from my colleagues. For example, as the school year is on the downhill side, the plan for next year is the main focus. Last evening I had a discussion about a new intervention that a couple teachers from my high school are trying to implement. The program is called S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Environment, & Math). The program is the new differentiated instruction that intertwines traditional skills, 21st century learner skills, career skills, and community integration all in one flexible classroom that is cross curricular. The idea hits on many of the same principals that we, as Walden students, have been taught in our focus area. The best thing about this is that they are accepting a wide range of students (regular mixed with special education). Being able to begin the process of integrating a few special education students into this program will allow all of the NETS-S standards to be met and possibly be the beginning of a new way of educating our students.
Overall, me keeping focused on my GAME plan will directly effect the outcome of my students meeting the NETS-S standards due to the fact that my plan is directly related to both the NETS-T and the NETS-S.

International Society for Technology In Education (ISTE). (2007). . NETS-S and NET-T Standards for learning.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Revising My GAME Plan

Based on the small strides within my personal GAME plan and also the knowledge that I have gained through this Master's course I have began to understand that technology, even though I thought I knew it's opportunities, provides an limitless boundary in regards to resources. Dr. Tomlinson, in this week's learning resources explains the many opportunities that technology provides to our students through social networking sites like NING, Wiggio, Moodle, and Micro Blogging (Laureate 2009). She also explains the wide range of pros and cons that come hand in hand with these social networking opportunities. How does this relate to my GAME plan? Well, I had thought that I was making pretty good strides with achieving the goals of my GAME plan but after further reflection I realize that I have only made small steps. This realization has come at a opportune time because it allows me to change focus in certain areas to make further improvements. For example, I have and am currently engaged with my colleagues in a few professional development sessions to become trained in a new software that our district has adopted to promote parent/teacher communication. This falls right in line with the NETS-T indicator #5: Engage and Professional Growth in Leadership (ISTE 2008). With this training in the new software I plan on approaching those colleagues who didn't attend to help promote the positives of the program.
Additionally, personally I have implemented a few technological advances into my classroom on several occasions but hope to slightly change direction with my goal to ease our way into social networking as a classroom. I hope that this lives up to everything that Dr. Tomlinson states as positives; easier management, exposure to culture, expand learning, students teaching students, etc.... (Laureate 2009). I feel that if I can implement this efficiently and appropriately my students will be able to benefit both academically and socially.
Overall, I didn't plan on successfully accomplishing my goals of my GAME plan by the end of this course, but I understood that it is a marathon and not a sprint. The steady learning by both my students and I of what integration and methods are right for our learning will prove to be the answer in the long run. Following the outline of the GAME (Goals, Action, Monitor, Evaluate) will ensure a successful run at my goals.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2009). EDUC 6713 Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas. [DVD]. Spotlight on Technology: Social Networking and Online Collaboration Part I & II. Dr. Tomlinson.

ISTE International Society for Technology. (2008). (NETS-S and Performance Indicators.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Evaluating My GAME Plan

Well, since a week has past I have managed to make some steady progress toward achieving my goals within my GAME plan. My accomplishing of the goals of integrating technology more often and reaching a higher learner within my students have had substantial progress. Each day I have integrated technology, somehow, within my daily lesson plans. This integration becomes more easily done in my classroom due to the fact that the structure is based on an online learning classroom. So far we, as a class, have implemented an online text reading software that will allow students of a lower reading level to put on a set of headsets and listen to the text provided by the online classroom. This software, which was provided by OPERA, was free and has, in a short time, made some student's level of learning increase.
In the past few weeks of both reviewing my GAME plan and also working through our weekly learning resources I have began to realize that no set teaching method will be suffice on a day to day basis. As I discovered this week problem based learning provides many positive features to the classroom. Dr. Ertmer in her video presentation made me realize that using problem based learning along with technology can make assessing, recording, developing collaboration skills, and teach students work through multi-step problems that involve multiple tasks easier for both of us in the classroom (Laureate 2009).
Synthesizing what I have learned about my GAME plan with what I have learned in regards to problem based learning is my next step. The question arises about, "how do I implement problem based learning into my classroom structure?" I believe if I can do this effectively then many of my GAME plan goals will become reality. Problem based learning will allow me more time to offer direct instruction in certain areas and also more reflective time with the students.
Finding a way to implement problem based learning into my classroom, efficiently, may take some time, but after successfully doing many skills, benchmarks, standards will be met by my students. I envision trying to slowly implement more problem based learning projects into my class to accomplish my goals, achieve student success, implement more technology, and provide a break in the typical routine.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2009). EDUC 6713 Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas. [DVD]. Spotlight on Technology: Problem Based Learning Part I & II. Dr. Peggy Ertmer.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Monitoring Your GAME Plan Action

Over the past week of carrying out my GAME plan and developing ideas along with this week's learning resources, I feel that I have a good plan in place. On the other hand, I feel that in order to achieve my goals aligning with student creativity and innovation I must do a better job in assessing students in the classroom to monitor, evaluate, and provide feedback in order to reach high levels of learning. Now, in doing this, I understand that technology provides many avenues when assessing students through forced-choice, open-ended response, performance-based, or project-based methods. Dr. John Ross supports this idea but also throws out caution that when using technology assistance, alongside with assessment methods, an educator must be careful that the technology assistance doesn't perform the objective that is desired to be evaluated (Laureate 2009).
How does this relate to my GAME plan and it's progress? In order for me to succeed in my goal areas of increasing graduation rates among credit deficient special ed. students, promoting a creative/innovative thinking in the classroom, and more efficiently relating information to parents I must use a wide variety of assessments to better my knowledge of my student's capabilities, my teaching areas of weakness, and areas of needed improvement in certain subjects.
Along with choosing the correct style and method of assessment to fit the needed area to evaluate I must also improve on implementing technology along with the assessment. For example, I would like to explore more performance based assessments that I can use digital videoing to record, document, and provide feedback of positives and negatives. My thoughts with this are that in creating these video files I will be able to build a case for my second goal of promoting a life skills course into our district's curriculum. I envision role plays of real life situations documented through this style that are produced by my students so district administration can view the diverse levels of basic social skills.
Overall, I believe I am on track and performing many details of my GAME plan efficiently but I also believe that there are minor details that need to be fulfilled. Fulfilling these minor details, which are truly most important, will help build the structure of the plan stronger and faster. We all just need to keep plugging along to achieve our goals and promote higher education.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2009). EDUC 6713I-1 Integrating Technology Across Content Areas. [DVD]. Assessing Student Learning. Dr. John Ross.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Carrying Out My GAME Plan

Just as any coach, teacher, or mentor will tell you, "No GAME plan is successful without the proper structure, understanding, and dedication to your goals." In review of my personal GAME plan I see array of goals that are focused on my students, parents, classroom structure, and personal accomplishments. With this range of goals a focused attack will need to be put in place to see results. Dr. Cennamo refers to this development stage of the GAME plan as the "action" or "how to" part of achieving the goals (Laureate 2009).
In order to accomplish my personal GAME plan goals I will rely on many of my colleagues and the resources that surround me. I am lucky to work in a school district that's main goal is to prepare 21st Century Learners. What makes it even better is that they have the funds to do it. With that said, many professional development sessions are held on implementing technology to instill and promote creativity in the classroom. Also, these sessions are typically directed by my colleagues within the realm of the school district. This makes it possible for me to reconvene with them to discuss any further methods that will help reach my goal. Once these methods are gathered and formulated then it will up to me to implement them into my own classroom to help achieve my goal about increasing the rate of success and graduates that are developed from the online credit recovery program.
On the other hand, in order to reach my expectations I will also have to gather information and present it to our district officials about the need for a life skills class, in the realm of special education. In preparing for this push to implement life skills in our curriculum I will rely on other sources to preassess our students and share the results as a plea to the push. This will require online resources, student backgrounds, and a checklist of needs for the future.
So far my plan has developed faster than expected. The online credit recovery program has increase by a 25% success rate from last year's first semester up to this year's first semester. I have also attended a professional development seminar dealing with motivating the unmotivated student. These steps are small but are the beginning to accomplishing my goals.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2009). EDUC 6713I-1 Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas. [DVD] Promoting Self-Directed Learning with Technology. Dr. Cennamo.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Personal Game Plan

After reviewing the National Education Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T /2008) provided by the International Society for Technology in Education website I began to feel very confident that my GAME plan was directly in line with some of the standards. The GAME plan that I have created for myself coincides with my personal goals and my current teaching position. In investigating the standards I felt pretty confident that many of my short term and long term goals laid beneath the umbrella of the coverage of the standards.

The three standards that I found most of my goals to be related to were standards number 1, 3, and 4. Standard 1 describes an educators ability/intent to facilitate and inspire student learning. Standard 2 sets for objectives for educators to model digital-age work and learning. While Standard 3 focuses on the continual professional growth and development within educators, themselves. These three standards relate closely to my six goals listed below. With these goals intact I hope that I promote a digital-age classroom that prepares the 21st century learner for their future into the digital society that we all are becoming accompanied to.

1. I hope to promote creative and innovative thinking in my classroom by providing an atmosphere that motivates students with disabilities through the use of technology.
2. In the future I would like to teach a section of "life skills" to my students of special needs through the use of technology. (Example: Virtual Reality/Role Playing)
3. Being a special education teacher, I would like to continue to increase my parent to educator interaction by finding a way to communicate more efficiently through technology to report student progress.
4. I hope to increase the percent the rate of student success in the online credit recovery by the gaining of credits, in which, will cause an increase in our schools graduation percentage.
5. I hope to continue to explore, investigate, and communicate with my peers, colleagues, and mentors to find new strategies and methods through to use of technology to promote student success.
6. Complete the final requirements to gain a Master's in Integrating Technology into the Classroom.

Monitoring these goals should be easily done due to the fact they coincide with my personal goals and career goals already intact. Collecting data on graduation rates, successful gaining of credits for my students, observations of students and the work they accomplish, and tracking parent contact and involvement will all be items that will be included in the evaluation process.

How will I extend my learning? Well, one thing that I would like to continue to do, is sign up for as many professional development seminars, that my district offers. These seminars offered are usually free, innovative, and hands-on. Also, I hope to finish my Master's in Integrating Technology into the Classroom. Finally, I hope to continue to evaluate the data that is collected from my classroom, which is focused on technology, to adjust my teaching style to my student's learning style. Dr. Peggy Ertmer states it best that in order to enrich your content with technology you must be knowledgeable, confident, believe in yourself, and be supportive (Laureate 2009).

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2009). EDUC 6713I-1 Integrating Technology Across Content Areas. [DVD]. Enriching Content Area Learning Experiences with Technology Part II. Baltimore, MD. Dr. Peggy Ertmer